I've done the uninstall and reinstall.
The event that takes place is that you make a typical "Quick Reply" then if you do another "quick reply" in less than the preset flood time, instead of saying "Your post will be merged" or whatever it used to say, it says something about already posting and has a text link that says OKAY just above the Quick Reply box. Regardless of me clicking the OKAY or me ignoring everything and moving on with the site, when you view the thread again, it shows my 2 posts merged into one as it should be. BUT, it also posts that 2nd quick reply I made 2 more times. Meaning I end up with three separate line item posts added to the thread. 1 of the merged and 2 of the "2nd" reply.
Its very strange. I'm at work right now, but I'll try it again from home and take a screen capture and provide a link to show you. (Work network blocks my site)
Appreciate the help. I love this add-on. Was upset to see I couldn't get it working.