I need a little help here.
I have just purchased the flash chat this morning (latest version) and was hoping to have it all wrapped up in a short while.... several hours later..
After discovering that it wont run on 3.7, I did my reading though this and found the fix that you highlighted paul. I posted a link to the fix on Tufat forum so that if anyone alse had the same problem they could find your code.
I added the file you provided paul (thanks) but I still cant install on the 3.6 (which is necessary before changing the config file to 3,7).
Anyway, I went back to the forums at tufat to leave a message querying when the update would be released and... i,ve been permantly banned for spamming! How did that happen.
Leave me stuck as I cant get the support now that I had hoped for.
I feel that $5.00 is pretty cheap for this package (having reviewed it on a couple of other sites) but it seems a knightmare to get up and running on 3.7
If anyone finds out when they release the patch, please leave a message here so that I can re download, hopefully the patch realease will make things easier.
As for the tufat forum, I am bewildered by the banning and add this here so that anyone requesting support for them doesn't end up with the same problem.