Okay, where can I start. Well for one thing, the style itself looks rather nice, and professional, but the notice seems rather rude in how it implies every ghost is 'stealing' the content and what not in bright red text.
Way too many forums in my opinion, for 50 000+ posts this is still complete overkill in terms of the forum listing, that is eight pages of forum listing, which is just far too much. Might want to merge a few forums together therefore to make your forum look more active (it's got a decent amount of posts and members to look incredibly active if you did that). Leaderboard stats are frankly overkill, and a waste of space, since there's a link to them in the navbar. You do however have a decent amount of add ons, which makes your forum better for your members and such like.
You may also want to upgrade to 3.7.2 which fixes some bugs such as security issues, or at least use the patches to fix these problems.
You should also add a forum link in the navbar and make the header image go to the forum part, because it's quite hard to get from the portal to the forum at this point in time for me.
You could also use a few more smilies, so check the smilies downloads section here. In all though:
Very nice forum style
Seems like an active forum for the topic (glitch forums with decent amounts of activity seem pretty rare from my searches)
Lots of things for the members to do
Seems like a nice community, although I hadn't tried seeing it from a member's perspective.
Some issues with contrast
Too many forums
Bug doesn't allow display of pages past 1 to guests (don't know about members)
Hope that helped.