Beta 2 has been now released. Please download, install and report errors here. This beta is considered as stable beta. If no critical errors occur the next version will be final.
The main changes are added support for AJAX, Scheduled Tasks and RSS. Beta 2 also brings stripping of HTML and BBCodes, re-tag changed titles, fixed AJAX for FireFox 3 and also fixed the not tagging threads if options are set to 0.
1.1 BETA
- Added tagging by AJAX. If enabled, tags will be added to the tag field after leaving the title field. There is also a setting that controls the availability of that feature and also controls if leaving the title field will erase all tags entered by the user.
- Added cron to auto tag not tagged threads in the night. Please run maintenance auto tagger before this to tage the base threads.
- Improved overall process of tagging
- Tags that were added via new thread process, RSS or maintenance are marked as autotagged (does not count for AJAX tagging) and so can be removed
- No need for editing rssposter.php anymore. RSS Feeds are beeing checked via maintenance or cron.
- Fixed Smart Tags for existing threads
- Obeying max tags limit while creating a new thread
- Tagging thread also after changing the title
- Stripping of HTML and BBCodes
- Fixed not tagging threads if tag limits are set to unlimited (0)
- Smaller fixes and changes