Originally Posted by kemalyanal
thank you very much ,
zoints theared tags 1.2.2 is problem in 3.7.x ,
Now it(1.2.3) woks in 3.7.2 
Great! Glad to hear it.
Originally Posted by Mrdby
how do i remove zoints from my database? I uninstalled and deleted files and its still showing up on my database.
By showing up on your database, what do you mean? If you removed the files and followed the uninstallation process, Thread Tags should be removed. If you are getting errors, that means that Google and other engines are looking for pages that no longer exist. But it really depends on what the error is, so please open up a support ticket to share it so we can sort it out for you.
Originally Posted by legionofangels
An additional question:
The automatic tag generator. Obviously I can do that when i first install it.
Can I set how many tags I want it to create per post?
Secondly let's say I have Zoints go for awhile and some users missed some threads, can I hit auto create again, and have it fill in the threads that have missed tags?
Will it overwrite threads that already have tags from a previous use of the Automatic Tag Generator?
With the automatic tagger there is no option that will allow you to set how many to do automatically per post, but I believe it does follow the general maximum rule set for tags per thread.
Yes it can. As for overwriting, it should maintain those same tags unless the threads have been moved or edited, or you change your stopwords. By and large though, if the content is the same and the rules are the same, the tags should stay that way as well.
- Reid