Originally Posted by DarkScythe
I just wanted to comment about that method.. I've read about it before as I used to want to do something similar, but from what I've read, I don't think that actually improves security any.. some say it actually makes it worse.
If the guy has downloaded your database, I'd look into securing the path he took to get to it first. Anyway, adding a userid and username to it won't be too much help if that guy figures it out because he will also have the userids and usernames of everyone on the forum. What you would want to do is probably either have everyone change their passwords to invalidate his copy of the database, or change the current salt / add a second salt to the extra round of hashing.
md5(md5(md5(password)+salt)+salt2) might be better.. This is based from what I've read though, so I could be wrong.
He doesn't have access to my database. He owns a forum, and a lot of my members are also members on his forum.