Nice style, but looks incredibly messy in Firefox 3, since for no real known reason a horizontal scroll bar appears at the bottom of the page. Forum page wise, it looks quite impressive but extremely empty. There's not much content, because half the forums are completely devoid of posts (tip 1: always post in every forum before forum launch, and add forums when needed). You need to either cut down the forum count drastically, or fill each forum with at least two topics for it to look more inviting to members. I like the smilies and stuff, but to me, the forum looks a bit empty, a bit uninviting because of the lack of posts and a bit generic because there isn't much different from a default vBulletin installation in terms of features.
So, in summary:
1. Forum style looks great, once the scroll bar thing is fixed.
2. Nice selection of smilies and icons, images look good.
3. vB Advanced used pretty well
4. Domain name is good.
1. Horizontal scrollbar kills the style in Firefox.
2. Too many forums, too many of them empty.
3. Needs more unique features as a hook for possible future members.