I've just released a beta of the upcoming v1.1 - please download, install and report errors here.
The main changes are added support for AJAX, Scheduled Tasks and RSS.
1.1 BETA
- Added tagging by AJAX. If enabled, tags will be added to the tag field after leaving the title field. There is also a setting that controls the availability of that feature and also controls if leaving the title field will erase all tags entered by the user.
- Added cron to auto tag not tagged threads in the night. Please run maintenance auto tagger before this to tage the base threads.
- Improved overall process of tagging
- Tags that were added via new thread process, RSS or maintenance are marked as autotagged (does not count for AJAX tagging) and so can be removed
- No need for editing rssposter.php anymore. RSS Feeds are beeing checked via maintenance or cron.
- Fixed Smart Tags (via maintenance)
- Obeying max tags limit while creating a new thread
- Smaller fixes and changes
Please download from the first post.