Originally Posted by alessai
 hello i just finished from the Arabic Edition
i added one small thing to it (for the copyright) and merged the translation with the product cause it just complecate things , i also changed some defult settings
 hope you dont mind vbdev
for arabic support or quastions please visit this thread
I am not very kind of having one version per language !
Can you please provide me with only language file and commands translated so that I can include it in the default package plz ?
Originally Posted by yadd
I followed the installation instruction s100 Percent, but when I tried to install / import commands I got the message "File not valid" (translated from german error message.
Where is the place to import the commands?
Second, I do not know, where to create channels.
Third: the Input Line is damned short, where is the place to define the lenth of it?
Any usefull hint appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
Have you tried with and english xml file perhaps it's not good ?
- Commands shall be imported in the command management system of the chatbox. There is a menu in the admincp for the chatbox, you'll find that link in it.
- Same answer, there is a channels management system in the menu
- There is a setting in the chatbox options of the admincp.
Originally Posted by cheat-master30
So the commands will then be default features? Nice.
Yes exactly !