So you deactivate my mod and the link works again? Then you reactivate and the link no longer works? It is strange that there would be a navbar link conflict at all. I do not have PhotoPlog Pro so I can not test to see what is going on for you. I would also post your problem over with the Photoplog people and ask them as well. If you get an answer please post it here.
For me to help at all I would need a link to your site. Another question for you, is your PhotoPlog navbar link hard coded with your complete url or not? Please give me a link to your site. This might be very easy to fix...
Originally Posted by redg8r
Nice plugin, but wanted to note that there is a conflict when using this CMPS module along with PhotoPlog Pro.
For some reason when the "Whos Chatting" module is activated on a CMPS page, it creates an error when clicking the navbar link to the photoplog gallery.
This may or may not be an issue with photoplog itself.
The error in the photoplog gallery references to trying to load "whochat.php" which seems to be the one file unsupported here.
Works great otherwise, thanks for that, unfortunately have to uninstall.