SLR722: Why don't you? I do things a certain way, I don't update a mod 3 or 4 times in a day, I would prefer 1 large update to handle many fixes. Another thing, I have put over 5 months of work into this mod so doing these little updates isn't really worth it when I plan to have another update anyway. I never told peeps they couldn't email me, I said no PM's so those wishing to get support via email are more than welcome to email me or go to my site. I have posted my email 3 times so not much else I can do there. And yes I do mind you asking, why, because you haven't even clicked install for the mod so you'll never know when I update as I send update emails.
joey: Not too sure why your having the issue with inactive modules. Once I release the FULL update then if it still doesn't work we will try to get it working again.