I've got a question that should be relatively simple (I used to know this myself, but it's been quite some time since I've done any real modding) -- how do you call an individual user through a template?
For example, I'm trying to find a way to have a certain posticon display for one user, by default, that has somewhat become their trademark (in this instance, let's say it's the sad posticon). So, through conditionals, I should be able to have something along the lines of the following inside the show[messagicon] tag:
HTML Code:
<if condition="$*HEREISWHEREWECALLTHEUSER*">PATH_TO_IMAGE <else /> $post[iconpath]</if>"
Shouldn't I?
Well, the question is more related to, how do I call that specific user, rather than the validity of the tag. I know $bbuserinfo will display the names, but I'm looking to call a user, rather than name them. Is there a way to do that?