Originally Posted by King Kovifor
Actually, after reading your post again, it would seem that you cannot access your db. You getting these errors else where.
Wow, the first message I thought there was some hope in getting this to run, and now I'm back to square one again!
Strange thing is that I created 3 announcements and they show up, and run like they should, but it is only when I need to manage the announcements is where there error shows up.
There is a smnlikquick table listed in the database, and the three messages are there as well, so there is some point were the program can access the database, and it seems that the manage portion is the one having the issues. Is there anything that I can do?
Thanks in advance
P.S. The only way that I could get this program to run, is put in an annoucement and all is fine with the display, and the message on the CMPS screen. I have two messages there and it works that way, but if I need to delete an old message, I have to go to mysql home page and remove it from the table..... Strange one!