Nice idea though. If you sent me a donation to get support with one of my mods, I'd probably help you quicker

The reality of things is that a lot of us have day jobs, or studies which take up all of our time. It was great being a low-key student with hardly any worries and plenty of time to code random things, but alas once real life takes over and the responsibilities that come with it begin to overwhelm us, giving support to people who rarely take their hand out their pocket to say thanks becomes less appealing. I've released 10s of 1000s of lines of code here, and if you check back to my earlier days here I've probably helped 100s of people with their problems not-related to my mods too. And you know what? I've only ever got one donation
So alas, I am sure the reason that Abe1 isn't responding to you is either for the same reasons I don't check my mod threads anymore, or that (s)he simply is too busy to get back to you