Hi Jedi,
No, it is not just a one liner, I don't think. That is the problem sometimes here, folks could take the time, to teach if they really knew, but we just waste a lot of time because the documentation and tutorials are so poor.
In showthread.php there are only two eval statements associated with similarthread and both look like this:
eval('$similarthreads = "' . fetch_template('showthread_similarthreads') . '";');
I don't think it is obvious from this eval() statement how to get the template to work in the showthread_showpost template.
If this is so easy, why can't we just get a step-by-step reply?
There must be many tempates in vB that are used in one temlpate that can be used in another, and this question somes up time and time again, but I can't get a straight forward answer for months.
It's like "dud" it is so easy, but we are going to make you feel like an idiot for asking. What is up with that??