Originally Posted by bkerensa
Alright so.... I am sort of lost as to what I need to do to make vbExperience work fully....
I have no items in my shop.... and I dont know how users buy items or how I add them or anything.... look at this screenshot:

To add items to shop:
1. Create a category for your items by going to ACP/vBExperience/Manage Shop/Add Category
2. Add items to server: images/misc (make a new folder called 'item', in which you can upload all of your images)
3. Add items to shop: ACP/vBExperience/Manage Shop (click on 'edt items' in the category that you created, then on 'add item')
In order for your items to be added and appear on postbit and profile you will need to fill out the add form.
Title: Whatever name you want the item to appear as in the shop.
Description: Any description you want the item to have, or you can leave blank if none.
Picture: /images/misc/item/youritem.gif
Thumb: /images/misc/item/youritem.gif
Icon: /images/misc/item/youritem.gif
add the path to your item
be sure to fill out all three of these or items may not appear on pages
CatID: the number of the category you want the item to be in
Quantity: how many you want to be in stock
Cost: how many points the item costs
Costfield: what category or categories the points will be taken from
Display Order: where the item will display in the category
Delete: if you want to delete item click on yes and save
To buy items:
click on vBExperience on nav bar, then on shop, there chose the category and item you want to purchase
hope this helps