Originally Posted by redlabour
Example: bluewin.ch or aol.com should tagged as bluewin.ch and aol.com and not bluewinch and aolcom
Only if you remove the filter '.'=>''
Originally Posted by popowich
I think I see the remaining part of the duplicates problem.
There are leading spaces in front of some the tags.
For example "tag" and " tag".
Thanks, I'll take a deeper look. If thats it, I will include the fix in the next version.
Originally Posted by popowich
Is there a way to build phrases? "new york" instead of "new" and "york". I don't care if it's not perfect, just looking to teach it some common ones for my site.
Use "Composite Tags".
Originally Posted by Rik Brown
Wish list:
1) Remember the last thread # tagged and start from there ("resume mode") just tagging new threads rather than having to start over from scratch (which takes a very long time with 100,000+ threads) each time the mod is run.
2) Then, being able run the mod either by vb's scheduler or the server's cron (daily would be fine for me)
3) Would like to be able to ban tags with non-alphabetical characters unless they are in the vbulletin "Thread tag allowed list."
Great ideas, will try to implement them in next version.