Originally Posted by Mazinger
I reverted everything and still no results. Can you say all the steps needed for the items to appear in the postbit? I see serveral people have the same problem as mine.
Originally Posted by bluej
yes, me too...still just shows the little box in postbit...
not sure if i named the items right to appear in the postbit...
i named the item [icon_'item name'_gif.] and added to levels folder...
then in manage icons, for the title...'itemname'
not sure what to add where it says, Picture, Thumb, Icon...what should be added there?
does a category also have to be picked for costfield for it to show?
do the items have to be 16x16, can they be any larger to show in postbit?
1. Create Cat, Item. Fill the fields, espacially icon.
2. Buy this item.
3. Item should appear in postbit.
If this does not happen, you are missing template hooks. Take a look at the default unmodifiec vbulletin templates.
The itemname is not interesting in this part. You will name the icon directly /misc/levels/icon_myitem.gif by filling the icon field with that value.
Please keep in mind that items in postbit are only shown if you purchased the item.
Originally Posted by jlew24asu
is it possible to have the number of points displayed instead of the orange bar under the user name?
Disable bars, enable text/description.
Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD
What does the level up mean? I have 3 banned members on the site and they have 99% level up. They were on the site one day and were spamming the site so they were banned, yet it shows their ranking as 99% along with everyone else on the site.
You should put the banned usergroup to ignored. Level up shows the progress of the transition to the next level...
Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD
Also the vbexperience options are listed twice in admincp. They are under User and also under vb options
Yes, it's just a "shortcut".
Originally Posted by yahoooh
some user has not any points even they post :
No data available.
what is the reason?
Seems users are ignored via user/usergroup setting.