Originally Posted by VBDev
Can you explain me exactly the problem coz it doesn't seem to be very clear to me.
What have you done exactly ? What's going wrong ?
Please give details, a simple phrase is not enough to imagine what you did...
I was referring to the other poster's problem on the PM pop-up window. Anyway, here's the problem:
Before installing this product, whenever a member receives a private message, there is a pop-up window that appears in the screen upon logging in or browsing the pages. This served as a reminder to the recipient that he/she has a new private message in his inbox. Now, after I installed MGC Chatbox, I noted that this "PM pop-up" window disappeared and the only clue that a new PM message is in the inbox is looking at the "New Notification" in the right upper box (assuming that you are using the default vBulletin style.
What have I done exactly? I've installed your product... funny when I disable it and tried sending PMs to other members, the PM pop-up window appears again.
I hope this is clear. I'll be graciously awating for more updates. Thanks in advance.
I'm using vBulletin 3.7.1 PL2, by the way