Originally Posted by mrpaint
About your previous question, yes, point is show in postbit (right after posts)
Currently I have no document about Hide and Award. Here is some tips:
Use tag [hide-thanks] or [hide] (shortcut for [hide-thanks])
No options: [hide-thanks]Hello[/hide-thanks] ~> Require thank (any amount) to see hidden data
With options: [hide-thanks=50]Hello[/hide-thanks] ~> Require thank at least 50 to see hidden data
The maximum require thank can adjust in kBank Hide Settings (AdminCP)
Just design 4 images:
Place them in buttons folder
To award/thank just click the button in postbit and fill the form  Simple enough
Hide code does hide the content but when you click the thanks button you get a small window pop up showing the original post which still shows access denied in the original post and also in the pop up window. So it would seem there is no way to reveal the hidden text