Originally Posted by Jase2
May I suggest opening a new window for the links.
Also, add a "More..." link at the bottom that goes to the members' full profile.
I will consider these as options for the next update of this mod.
Originally Posted by marcossalazar
I have to say this is a great mod! Wish it was supported.
Although I decided to call it unsupported, I am going to be here and listen to your feedback. It's just a technicality so nobody gets upset if I suddenly decide to go on vacation for a longer period of time.
Originally Posted by AyeCapn
Would it be difficult to put something like the last 2 or 3 tweets into a member's signature instead of the profile?
That would actually require fundamental changes. To make the mod scale well with big boards, I decided to use Javascript to fetch all information from Twitter. If we'd want to display tweets in a member's signature (or his postbit in general), we'd have to use the server to fetch tweets and store them in the database. That would be possible, but as I said, I wanted to solution that doesn't add any burden on the server.
Originally Posted by Roxie
Twitter is down so much it might keep the page from loading fully. Cool mod though...
This is one item on the to do list: to catch the situation when Twitter is down or when the user entered an invalid Twitter username. However, loco, in your particular case, I think you broke something when you edited the template that is being passed to the Twitter-fetching javascript. Can you revert
template: '<div class="smallfont">"%text%" <a onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview ('/outgoing/http_twitter_com_user_screen_name_statuses_id_');" href="http://twitter.com/%user_screen_name%/statuses/%id%">%time%</a></div>'
template: '<div class="smallfont">"%text%" <a href="http://twitter.com/%user_screen_name%/statuses/%id%">%time%</a></div>'
and see if that works for you?