Originally Posted by blackmamba16
After updating from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0 :-(
any ideas?
Originally Posted by Shazz
Same here, I then uninstalled it then re-installed. You will lose the past iTraders but iTrader will be working.
Folks, this has been covered:
Originally Posted by eoc_Jason
Go to your vBulletin Options -> Version Info and Other Untouchables. Then look for iTrader Version Number, it *should* be 2.1.0, if it's not then click the 'edit' link and under the "Default" field change it to 2.1.0 and make sure the Data Validation Type is set to "Free"..
I just did this about 5 minutes ago and it fixed that very issue.
Also as a note to everyone, if you want to put feedback in your memberinfo sections, vbulletin CHANGED its code for the memberinfo section.
PHP Code:
<if condition="$userinfo['userid']"><div>Feedback: (<b><a href="itrader.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$userinfo[userid]">$userinfo[itrader_total]</a></b>) ($userinfo[itrader_pcnt]%</a>)</div></if>
Works fine on my 3.7.2 PL2, just wanted to share. Note that $post has changed to $userinfo