So...after months i decided it was time to uninstall the old MGC and move to EVO.
I did uninstall everything before installing... now, i installed EVO and it seems everything was wonderful... then set my permissions as admin to do whatever i want.
Now, I go to theforum to test the new chatbox, type my message... and click ok.
Nothing Oo
Another try... and another, nothing is shown in the chatbox. Then i checked the archives, nothing there.
I went to verify my sql tables, there are vb_mgc_cb_evo_channel, vb_mgc_cb_evo_chat, vb_mgc_cb_evo_command, vb_mgc_cb_evo_command_code and vb_mgc_cb_evo_session.
No message was saved on them... what did i do wrong? u.u
I'll start reading the whole 135 pages ^^'