I am having a slight problem with this...the payment goes through and everything, but I have setup so that upon purchasing a subscription, a user's usergroup changes to "Paid Members" instead of "Registered". But the thing is, the subscriptions are not going through successfully. I get the payment in Paypal, however the user does not get updated.
I checked transaction log, and this is what it states:
HTML Code:
vb_error_code invalid_payment_amount
method paypal
payment_date 17:44:23 Jul 14, 2008 PDT
txn_type web_accept
last_name blabla
residence_country US
item_name 1 Month Subscription
payment_gross 8.75
mc_currency USD
business [email]blabla@yahoo.com[/email]
payment_type instant
verify_sign AoS.E.blabla
payer_status verified
tax 0.00
payer_email [email]blabla@hotmail.com[/email]
txn_id blabla
quantity 1
receiver_email [email]blabla@yahoo.com[/email]
first_name blabla
payer_id blabla
receiver_id blabla
item_number blabla
payment_status Completed
payment_fee 0.55
mc_fee 0.55
shipping 0.00
mc_gross 8.75
custom username
charset windows-1252
notify_version 2.4
Any fix? This is urgent for me...as I mass-emailed everyone and gave them the coupon code, but now noticed this problem =O