Originally Posted by lms
Wok fine in my forum with " ./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif"
I add 2 screenshots of my forum (not match drop down menu) and the problem to edit navbar, i resolve add 1 line in the header template, as i add as attachmen. The path for images is " ./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif" and " ./images/tabbars/css20_R.gif" and the path for clientscript is " ./clientscript/chrome.js" but d'ont work (only path clientscript; i use h**p://www.detupc.net/foro/clientscript/chrome.js and dont work, Why?)
Sorry for my bad english. I'm spanish.
DEMO: http://www.detupc.net/foro
Funciona en mi foro con el punto delante de la barra invertida, as?: " ./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif".
He a?adido 2 capturas de pantalla de mi foro (no funciona el men? drop down) y creo haber resuelto el problema de editar navbar a?adiendo una linea en la plantilla header que a?ado como adjuntos. El directorio para las im?genes es " ./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif" y " ./images/tabbars/css20_R.gif" y el directorio para clientscript es " ./clientscript/chrome.js" pero no me funciona (solo el directorio clientscript; uso h**p://www.detupc.net/foro/clientscript/chrome.js y tampoco funciona, ?Por qu??)
DEMO: http://www.detupc.net/foro
Lo siento por mi mal ingl?s, soy espa?ol.
Your first image shows all three $vars in header template... You only need the first two in that template...
The third ...>>> $ddchrome <<< delete it because its only used when adding Tabbar Suite to CMPS globals main...
Tabbar Suite images not showing in CMPS?
Upload images folder to ...>>>
http://yoursite.com/images/ tabbars...
Upload clientscript folder to ...>>>
Your DROPDOWNS not working?
Upload the clientscript folder again and verify that the chrome.js file is in the folder...
Goto admin options and turn on Dropdowns...
If you uploaded the folders to correct path the first time it should show dropdowns...
If you can't get it to work,,, Give me access to your Test forum...
INVERTED TABBARs has a space on the last and its not FLUSH with the body margin at {0}... I think you should uninstall both and install one at a time and verify that the first is working with dropdowns on...
I can fix all issues,,, but I will need access to your TEST forum to find out what's going on with installation of both Tabbar Sets...
Robert Waanders,,,
I'm glad you fixed your issue...
I'm currently working on another update with a few more options and better browser support...