OK.. do you want to display a News Ticker for all the RSS Feed or for a particular forum? category?
- Download RSSTOHTML
- Upload rss2html.php and FeedForAll_XMLParser.inc.php to the root (http://www.forum.com/) or (/public_html/).
- DOUBLE CHECK, they should be in the root so they can be called like http://www.forum.com/rss2html.php
- Create a new file called "vBMarquee.html", contents of the file are below..
- Now try going to http://www.forum.com/rss2html.php?XMLFILE=http://www.forum.com/external.php?type=rss2&TEMPLATE=vBMarquee.html&MAXITEMS=10
- OK its looking good but nothings moving and it looks a mess? Great
- Go to AdminCP - > Style Manager - > FORUMHOME - > Add after headerinclude a PHP include or a SHTML Virtual include.
- If your still lost try the code below
PHP Code:
echo "";
// Note use a include rather than require
vBMarquee.html source:
HTML Code:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
~~~FeedTitle~~~ vBulletin News Ticker using RSSTOHTML
~~~BeginItemsRecord~~~ ~~~ItemPubShortDate~~~ > ~~~ItemPubShortTime~~~ ><B><A href="~~~ItemLink~~~">~~~ItemTitle~~~</A></B> (~~~ItemDescription~~~) ~~~EndItemsRecord~~~
This was just at the top of my head..please tell us if its OK.