Originally Posted by joopster
Just a bit of info for anyone using this chatbox. With the refresh set to 10 seconds, this EATS CPU.
I went from using a 12% CPU load down to 6% after removing the chatbox. I got a email from my host telling me that it was the misc.php?=cbbmessages causing such a high load.
Just a heads up, if you are going to use it, maybe set the refresh to something like 30 seconds or more.
I am quoting this since it falls in line with what I had questions about. I had the 3.6 version installed which was perfect! (thanks Cyb!) however, I updated my board to 3.7 and updated the chat also because my user's wanted the ability to change font size. I have the chat only on my index page and there is something with this auto refresh that is bugging me, the whole page "re-adjusts/refreshes" when the chatbox does. It is completely annoying to me. I'd also like to keep server load down, and I did change the auto refresh to 30 seconds before I came here but I wasn't certain that it'd make the messages lag so much that my user's would stop wanting to use it. Any advice? Thank you.