Originally Posted by Jonaid
This question has probably been asked before, but I cant find anything relevant.
How do I integrate my site registerations with vbulletin? and the kicker, the site and forum are on seperate servers.
I want to be able to have a single registeration page that allows the users to register on my site and on the forum in one go.
Any help will be appreciated.
You will have to be able to access your other server's MySQL daemon remotely. Once you can do that, it's just a matter of replicating what vBulletin does.
Originally Posted by samiro
i want it too.
i also want to add the "login" in all my site-pages... with the "personal messages. etc...
how can i do that ?
Originally Posted by misa
And I love to know it also, somebody got any idea?
You most likely have an easier task. Just include global.php and replicate the templates.