Originally Posted by legionofangels
That sounds great. It looks like I'll have a coder look at how to move the tag cloud around, and we'll test out your Zoints Tags.
I really don't see the advantage that vBulletins core one has over yours, even someone at vb.com, a customer, not employee, said that it's missing some key features.
I'd suggest to your engineers an auto-import tags if using the RSS Importer Feed Manager system, so that for example if the system was auto posting other peoples blogs, or threads, it would auto import the tags from that blog or thread.
We do have an automatic tag feature which you can click to generate tags on all tagless threads (the system also uses stopwords) but I am not for sure if I follow your suggestion. I don't personally use much with RSS feeds on my forums, are you saying that tags can sometimes be included with those articles/content that could be then be imported as tags on the forums?
(I apologize if I am totally missing the point. I've been to two grocery stores today, done a ton of errands and just came back from the movies so I am a bit worn out.)
Originally Posted by jimraynor
can we see the most add tagword member. if yes. How? i will give gift the most have tagwords of members.
apologise for my english. Waiting your answer.Thank you.
Hi jim. With the tag cloud, which would be at yourforum.com/forums/tags/ the biggest words are the most popular tags. So the largest font size you see there indicates that it is the most popular tag of all of your tags.
- Reid