Ok so here are my pets and the story.
So on Christmas Eve I was watching a movie and I kept hearing this meowing out my back door, I looked and was like oh nice, a cat. Well he was all cold and it was snowing here in Colorado, so with the furnace on, I opened my back door and left it open for like an hour while the movie finished, since I couldn't get out there and pick him up as he ran from me.
Well after leaving the door open I then shut it and went to bed. The next morning under my loveseat i noticed this gray cat hiding there, and I was like "oh hello there". So I had decided if he/she comes in, I'll keep them and he did. Later finding out it was a boy.
Here he is and I named him The Joker, or Joker from my favorite villain of all time.
Then a few months later a new woman moved into the complex that I live at, meeting her the night she moved in, shook her hand, and left it at that. A few weeks later I got a knock on my door from her and two of her friends, and they asked if I wanted to hang out with them.
One thing led to another as it usually does and she is now my girlfriend, her name is Diana. Well she was asked to watch a cat for awhile, and she told me the cats name was Magneto, and I was like cool, I love the Xmen. Well after dating for awhile it came to the point that she works more hours than me and therefore wasn't home enough and didn't think she was giving the cat enough love/time/effort, etc.
She wanted to give him up, I had issues with this because I felt the strange coincidence of having two cats that look very alike, and who both share names of FAMOUS VILLAINS! lolz. So I was like, we can't get rid of him, if we get married we'll always remember that cat we gave up, kind of like adoption. So I was like after a week of arguing with myself, I said I'll keep him, and not to give him away. That way she can still see him all the time, and if it doesn't work out, I still have another cool cat that looks like my other cat.
So here is my other pet, Magneto, and hopefully you didn't hate my short story:
(( caught them both by the door like 10 mins ago. Magneto is wild and crazy, Joker is lazy and calm, they are like opposites it's so cute. ))