Or you can take advantage of the inherant repeating and do what I did. My black logo is 600 x 139 pixals. I loaded a copy of it in place of the default background and renamed it Red_h.jpg.
It repeats itself because of its size. The script that sets the background is the out of the box version. Only down side so far is I had to remove the back layer filter so it would show through.
Another idea I was playing with was putting my logo down the right side of the background image. If your image repeats then it would show the logo twice. But with out PS skills MS paint looks like, well you know...
Hope that helps some one.
One other thing that would be nice for this theme would be an auto selector for the background image. Either on a preset time or on screen refresh show a different image. I don't think it would be too difficult but I'm not a coder. Maybe some one could take a swipe at that?