I am getting an error when running gla_test.php
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/

Visual check - two flags should be visible:
Style: Style1
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/

Visual check - two flags should be visible:
Style: Style2
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/

Visual check - two flags should be visible:
Style: Style3
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present:
Failed - Flag file not found in /forums/images/misc/flags/

Visual check - two flags should be visible:
Style: Style4
Testing to see if the flag from country "ad" is present:
OK - Flag file found in correct directory
Testing to see if the flag from country "zw" is present:
OK - Flag file found in correct directory

Visual check - two flags should be visible:

As you can see, it is not finding some of the files. The issue is that all of these styles are using the EXACT same misc folder. How is it that the test sees the ones in one style, but not the others?