Originally Posted by Michael Morris
Instead of replacing the above code try inserting this underneath the above code for pro. I can't test it because I don't have pro - but it might work. Worth a shot.
PHP Code:
if ((empty($_SESSION['wsUserID']) || empty($_SESSION['wsUserName']) || empty($_SESSION['wsToken']))
&& !empty($_COOKIE[$wgDBname.'_'.$wgDBprefix.'UserName']))
$_SESSION = array_merge( $_SESSION, $db->query_first("SELECT
user_id AS wsUserID,
user_name AS wsUserName,
user_token AS wsToken
FROM ".$wgDBname.".".$wgDBprefix."user
WHERE user_name = '".addslashes($_COOKIE[$wgDBname.'_'.$wgDBprefix.'UserName'])."' LIMIT 1"));
will let you know how I get on with that over the weekend - thanks