Hello, I was surfing the net and found a nifty little thing I liked on another site I seen ( I hope it's alright for me to post links to another site here), but I was wondering if any 1 could shed some light on this, maybe even explain, or figure out how to do it my self.
I would like information like the following to be compiled into a html file, and coded above forums in Vbulliten.
HTML File :
Html File Displayed in the forum :
Here is also, other instances of it, but with different information
Questions :
1. How are these files made?
2. How is the data pulled from VB and displayed (does it use variables or what)
3. Is there a way to make the files update themselves with out doing it weekly or so on.
4. Do I use the <iframe> to put above the forums
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time