Dear Hacker:
My site was hacked last night and my account suspended [just for a few moments]; if you think I will run on desperation you're wrong my mind works somehow differently and I'm very calm, so don't wait me running for HELP with my fellows vBulletiners...
I called the Bank affected for your little joke, they treated me nice, I called the security center, really nice response, and I called my webhoster and we are working on secure my site.
There was a folder named XXX where do I place my pictures related to my site to show here, so I won't do wild guesses, it was someone from here, he installed a few php files and make that folder appear as a pishing site for a Bank in London, then reported the whole case [how much do you earned with this? I should called your Mom and tell her to put you in a summer program or something more rewarding

] so you little twisted twisted boy, I didn't sweat a drop... you just delay me 45 mins to go and get my iPhone!!!
Good luck next time and the good Lord bless ya! :up:
p.s. Envy is an ugly thing, that is the lesson that you taught me