Originally Posted by Super Jinni
I really don't know how I missed it although it's quite clear..
this what I like about your work, somehow near to be completed.. and good support too..
the idea of (a collapse within a collapse) is really great.. 
It was complete when I posted it - People just keep coming up with new ideas that are worth adding!
Seems there are still more things that can be added as well
Originally Posted by WishLine
Iwas wondering where you can change the icon next to each subforum. What is the filepath?
I don't play with images/etc - They are handled by vBulletin : src="$stylevar[imgdir_statusicon]/forum_$forum[statusicon].gif"
Originally Posted by Super Jinni
what about showing how many people are showing each subforum beside each one of subforums?
Added to the WishList ;-)