Originally Posted by VBDev
The PM popup has been totally rewritten in the new chatbox version so I don't see the problem.
Bitwise I don't speak spanish so I can't undesrtand your screenshot ^
The problem is that in IE you don't get the Private Message pop-up and get that error that i show you in the attach. As i said before only happens in IE.
Please don't "insult"
Portuguese people

I'll translate what says in the IE warning for you:
Line: 863
Error: The object does not supports this property or method
Code: 0
See!? Wasn't so hard! Didn't even used a translator
Oh and Opera issue still remains! Unfortunately! But in strange way. I mean, the menus work but when the amount of shouts are so that the scroll bar is seen they stop working right. My trick: click the button, scroll down or up the chatbox and then the menu is working right (hope you understand me).