Originally Posted by UaECasher
Put this in one of your block templates
<td class="alt1">
<a href="vbplaza.php">vB Plaza</a>
Originally Posted by lstintxs100
I have no idea if this is the proper way to do it but. try this :
<td class="tcat">your title here</td>
<td class="alt1">
This is where content will go.
Nearly, but not quite.
<td class="tcat">your title here</td>
<td class="alt1">
This is where content will go.
I added a stike through the code to be removed and bold for the code to be added.
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
When I enable column start point with: below header and above navbar
All my pages show good. eg. footer is not messed up.
However, when I choose below navbar and below notices or below notices and forum descriptions almost all my other pages, eg. registration page, calendar page are showing up weird, eg. my footer is all messed up. Even with it disabled to not show on those pages they are still showing up weird.
So currently I have it set to below header and above navbar however ideally I like the setting: below navbar and below notices better.
What code is it looking for when it is set to this option? Maybe one of my templates does not have the needed code? or maybe I will need to make the template edit manually in which case, what templates and code do I need to edit?
Use the manual edit option and follow the manual edit options.
Originally Posted by DirtSnap
first i would like to say thanks for the awesome hack kerry.
secondly, i feel like a total n00b for saying this but i can't even get the right column to work...
i followed the guide in the zip, enabled the right column in the vBulletin options > Ultimate Side Columns Options, then i tried to put some code onto the usc_block11 (i had no idea what i was doing here). I basically just want to make adsense ads show up in a right column. This is my code:
<td class="alt1"> //had no idea what to put in the class
//adsense script
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
/* 120x600, created 7/9/08 */
google_ad_slot = "XXXXXXXXXX";
google_ad_width = 120;
google_ad_height = 600;
<script type="text/javascript"
If anyone could help me out, give me a rough idea how to get it working, or anything i would greatly appreciate it.
That's fine. Make sure you have set the permissions for your usergroup to view the permissions.
Originally Posted by Budget101
I am using the sidebar (Which I love, and thank you very much!!!), However, I cannot seem to get the blocks to show as "Individual" blocks.
For example, in the left hand column I am using Block 1 - which shows navigation buttons.
In Block 2, I have the following code
PHP Code:
<tr> <td><p align="center"><b><font color="#BC496B">SPONSORS</font></b><br> SPONSOR CODE SNIPPED</p> </td> </tr>
But, they all seem to run together like 1 Big long block instead of seperate ones,
block 1
block 2
block 3
How do I make them show individually?
(Just a note, I tried adding <br /> to the end of the code in box 2, but it only made the default box lower, rather than Block 2.
<td><p align="center"><b><font color="#BC496B">SPONSORS</font></b><br>
<br />
<br />
<table width="100%" class="tborder" border="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]">
Add the bold code as shown.