Originally Posted by Raptor
I am testing on the default vb skin - I have followed the steps carefully - still have the same problem of not seeing any nomination option
as you can see from my screen shot everything is displaying ok except the option to nominate
is it possible the thanks hack is conflicting ?
what is the manual code to input into the template ?
Try the following fix by MissKalunji:
Open the product file using WordPad for example.
Search for: nominate_topic__stamps_box
Replace with: nominate_topic_stamps_box
Let me know if it fixes your problem.
Originally Posted by MissKalunji
here's something else
you've got an uncached template
because you typed it : nominate_topic__stamps_box when it's supposed to be nominate_topic_stamps_box in the Cache plugin
You Put twice __ instead of only one _