Originally Posted by Soliloquy
Just installed and was amazed at the ease of use. A few things though:
1. I see in the code it's supposed to display the forum name in the title before "Cafe Press Store", but that part isn't showing up. I added my forum name manually.
2. Like a previous poster, clicking on a category link still displays all products.
3. Also, on the category page all the store names are displayed in the navbar, stretching out the page. (See screenshot, first arrow.) It would be better to have the store name as set in the control panel.
1. Can you post the code that you edited? It should be showing the forum. It also might of messed with the code and caused #3 because I don't have the store id showing up there at all. The store name should be showing down below, not even with the forum name like you have it.
2. I'm working on these, trying to figure out a decent way to get it done.
I've attached what I see when I use your shop info
Originally Posted by Soliloquy
1. I'd like to install this on a couple other forums, but I have a bunch of young kids on one and their parents would not take kindly to having the Intimate Apparel category there, even if it's empty. It would be nice if we could remove links to the categories we don't use.
2. A way to disable logo display would be nice as well. Since I have it in my forum header, it looks silly displayed on the page.
3. Showing all the products on the first page makes for a very long page, both in length and time to load.  Maybe you could add a way to display only a few select items (say, four or six) there, specified in the control panel options by ID number? Or a few random items?
A lot of these things I cannot do. It's just a lack of usable code.
Here is what the script does. The script basically sucks the code from your cafe press store like your looking at a browser into itself. I then strip off a chunk of it to get rid of the header and footer. Then I do some parsing to fix some links and stick that data in a vb template page.
If I could get xml or something else from cafe press then I could do some fancy stuff, but with what I have available, all I can do is present what you have on your storefront on a vb page.
The reason it's showing intimate apparel is because one of your stores, bananasplitny, has it as a category.