Well, i am not thinking IONCUBE is causing the problem with CPU Exceeding quota error with hosting provider.
Seems that the problem is with
mysql query
Example Logfile:
Mon Jul 7 10:50:24 2008: used 7.00 seconds of cpu time for [[mysql query]]
Mon Jul 7 10:50:17 2008: used 41.00 seconds of cpu time for [[mysql query]]
Mon Jul 7 10:50:17 2008: used 0.24 seconds of cpu time for
anything 1 second or more is indicating its " mysql query "
I have seen a bunch of 66 - 92 seconds in the logs.
I installed VB on JUNE 30th
These errors started happening ( according to log files )
on July 2nd.
not sure what's going on !!
anyone else have any other ideas ?
vbulletin.com didn't help much and neither has our hosting provider