Originally Posted by MissKalunji
it would be nice to have an option to see all the thread you nominated?
right now you have all the thread that user RECEIVED nomination from now would be cool to have all the ones that YOU nominated
Will add both: Find all nominees by X_user and Find all nominations on X_user. Thanks for the feedback :up:
Originally Posted by crkgb
Hmm, what's the reason for either having the table or not. Don't we all have the same default vb tables?
It's what I thought. You see my surprise when you reported that a table entry do not exist!
Originally Posted by chronoshift
I have installed this mod, and when I go to someone's post, I do not see a button/etc or any kind of selection to select that post for nomination.
Originally Posted by Raptor
same as previous poster - I can see everything expect the block under the post to nominate the thread
any suggestions ?
great hack btw
If you followed all the installation steps, step by steps, I see no reason why you do not see the "Nominate button".
Ensure that you did uploaded the content of the image folder in your style image folder if you are using a different style.
Originally Posted by princeedward
Bro. According to your post:
i found just now to my hostcpanel that it has built in phpMyAdmin...
so i checked what you mean here...found out that....only
userid int(10) UNSIGNED No NULL
what we do now...please advice...

Check your PM, I am still online.