Originally Posted by MissKalunji
here's something else
you've got an uncached template
because you typed it : nominate_topic__stamps_box when it's supposed to be nominate_topic_stamps_box in the Cache plugin
You Put twice __ instead of only one _
since i fixed that i don't get the javascripts error anymore
Greatly appreciated Miss, I would have had a hard time finding this typo. :up: I have updated my product file accordingly.
Originally Posted by mokonzi
Is there a chance of being able to set it like the disable option then?
PS, I'd like to say well done with the mod, and thank you for all the hard work. It's added an extra (missing) element to mys site. 
I think that I get it now! I will extend that "Unique Forum On Which This Mod Must Be Enabled" to "Unique Forum(s) On Which This Mod Must Be Enabled".
Thanks for clarifying it. :up: