We have forum operated by a hosting provider ( shared )
We are experiencing a horrendous amount of CPU OVER QUOTA errors, and our account keeps getting suspended for 5-10 mins.
Very annoying.
Blue claims that php/scripts are causing the problem
We have pretty much disabled all hacks/mods that we've installed trying tof igure out which it could be, but still have same problem
I suspect we are going in a vicious circle here bluehost blame VB / VB says its bluehost's problem.
I don't care who is to blame etc.....
This is an example of what we see alot of in our error logs:
The client IP always changes, but for the most part, the rest of the error is the same.
Our error logs are showing " [Wed Jul 09 12:30:41 2008] [error] [client] Failed loading /home/drvinoco/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin.so: /home/drvinoco/ioncube/ioncube_loader_lin.so: undefined symbol: zend_throw_exception_hook "
As another side note: We never had this type of CPU error until we recently updated to 3.7.2 ( haven't updated to new release patch)
Can anyone shed some light on this at all ?
Is anyone else experiencing this since 3.7.2 release ?
Is there a way to downgrade again ?