Originally Posted by Chris04S
Hi.. I am new to forums and new around here.. but certainly not new to building sites, etc. Anyway... building forums is a whole new world for me although I grasp the basics as I am used to HTML, CSS, RTML for you yahooers. Anyway, I just tried installing this, two questions, one, I have "re-skinned" the forum with one of miners skins, the sidebars are not showing up, could this be a cause, that I have re-skinned the forum that is?
My other question is I downloaded the Mini Navbar: Breadcrumb at Bottom of Thread
Version: 1.0.4, prior and in the installed products screen it put a [S]slash through the name [/S]. I guess the USC plug in cancels out the Mini Navbar plugin?
Thanks for any help guys...
If the hooks that are called for this product are not in that skin, then they will not show up. It may just be as simple as going into the usergroup permissions and alowing each usergroup to see them.
I am not sure on the mininavbar, I have not installed that product. There are several options in the control panel for where on the page the column will show. you can have it show with or below the navbar as well as start at the top of the page.