To fix the errormessage, apply the following changes to the product xml file:
In the product xml-file find:
PHP Code:
$re_errors = array_merge($re_errors, $repm->errors);
Write this between those two lines:
PHP Code:
$re_errors = array();
So that it becomes:
PHP Code:
$re_errors = array();
$re_errors = array_merge($re_errors, $repm->errors);
In the product xml-file find:
PHP Code:
$fw_errors = array_merge($fw_errors, $repm->errors);
Write this between those two lines:
PHP Code:
$fw_errors = array();
So that it becomes:
PHP Code:
$fw_errors = array();
$fw_errors = array_merge($fw_errors, $repm->errors);
After that just import the product again with overwrite.
Alternatively you could also edit the plugin directly in the plugin-manager, edit the plugin
Send the Auto-Reply with hook location
private_insertpm_complete and do the changes mentioned above directly in there, but personally I like to have a correct xml plugin file available to import again if necessary!
Good luck!
- ZexTasy