Ok, I've got this down to something reasonably easy to do, but it is still a hack as there seems to be bad code floating about :\
I have managed to narrow down the edits to one file - arcane_vbulletin_core.php
In that file find this code
PHP Code:
// Include vBulletin Engine
if ($g_vbWiki_StyleId_Override > 0)
define('VB_AREA', 'Forum');
$vbulletin->options['styleid'] = $g_vbWiki_StyleId_Override;
$vbulletin->options['allowchangestyles'] = false; // ignore user styles
$vbulletin->userinfo['styleid'] = 0;
require_once("./includes/functions.php"); // vbdate
require_once("./includes/adminfunctions.php" );
A LOT of libraries are being included there, and I *think* most of them are only used by the pro-integration. I changed that whole block to the following.
PHP Code:
if ((empty($_SESSION['wsUserID']) || empty($_SESSION['wsUserName']) || empty($_SESSION['wsToken']))
&& !empty($_COOKIE[$wgDBname.'_'.$wgDBprefix.'UserName']))
$_SESSION = array_merge( $_SESSION, $db->query_first("SELECT
user_id AS wsUserID,
user_name AS wsUserName,
user_token AS wsToken
FROM ".$wgDBname.".".$wgDBprefix."user
WHERE user_name = '".addslashes($_COOKIE[$wgDBname.'_'.$wgDBprefix.'UserName'])."' LIMIT 1"));
That should fix this plug in to work with mediaWiki 1.12 and vbulletin 3.7 HOWEVER I do not guarantee the pro version will work and I also suspect that users with cookies disabled or blocked will still experience log out troubles.