Originally Posted by shlomot
A little fix for showing tab images when not in the forum root directory (like here):
Add a backslash to the begining of "images/tabbars/css20_L.gif" and "images/tabbars/css20_R.gif" in the AdminCP, so it becomes:
" /images/tabbars/css20_L.gif"
I also suggest to change it in the product XML for future versions.
Wok fine in my forum with "
I add 2 screenshots of my forum (not match drop down menu) and the problem to edit navbar, i resolve add 1 line in the
header template, as i add as attachmen. The path for images is "
./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif" and "
./images/tabbars/css20_R.gif" and the path for clientscript is "
./clientscript/chrome.js" but d'ont work (only path clientscript; i use h**p://www.detupc.net/foro/clientscript/chrome.js and dont work, Why?)
Sorry for my bad english. I'm spanish.
DEMO: http://www.detupc.net/foro
Funciona en mi foro con el punto delante de la barra invertida, as?: "
He a?adido 2 capturas de pantalla de mi foro (no funciona el men? drop down) y creo haber resuelto el problema de editar navbar a?adiendo una linea en la
plantilla header que a?ado como adjuntos. El directorio para las im?genes es "
./images/tabbars/css20_L.gif" y "
./images/tabbars/css20_R.gif" y el directorio para clientscript es "
./clientscript/chrome.js" pero no me funciona (solo el directorio clientscript; uso h**p://www.detupc.net/foro/clientscript/chrome.js y tampoco funciona, ?Por qu??)
DEMO: http://www.detupc.net/foro
Lo siento por mi mal ingl?s, soy espa?ol.