Originally Posted by Attilitus
I'm afraid that I won't integrate this into other third party modifications. It is too much of a hassle, and would require modifying and releasing new versions of other coder's work.
This can actually be done without editing vbshout at all. The following code shows how to utilize the shout engine to make a shout without actually editing vbshout. (this code is not adapted for the status system im just providing an example)
PHP Code:
global $infernoshout;
require_once(DIR . '/infernoshout/engine/inferno_engine.php');
$msgvar = "This is the message that would be shouted";
$shout =& new shout;
$shout->silent = true;
Originally Posted by Attilitus
This issue has already brought up. This hack does not update a user's Last Activity location. The next version of the hack will, and thus this "problem" won't occur. Until then, don't worry too much about it. It will appear as "Unknown Location" for all non-admin usergroups on your forum. (Thus regular users are not seeing the URL as you see it)
Instead of making it update the whosonline location why not just bypass updating the online location as we do for most ajax scripts for actions such as this script has?
PHP Code:
define('LOCATION_BYPASS', 1);
Now to report my own problem I have noticed and havent had time to fix myself yet.
In private messages it does not do the status's properly. It doesnt do the prefix if they have a status nor does it do the message for when a user doesnt have a status set and instead shows nothing.