Originally Posted by Dragon Company
Hello thanks for this hack.
I've got a question, I've got forum (closed for new post) with sub-forums wich contains all the post.
I would like that RSS icon on forum home syndicate for all subforum containing.
Exemple: forum id1 containing subforum 2, 3 et 5. The feed will be : http://www.myvbulletin.com/forum/ext...forumids=2,3,5
I could use this too, I can't find a variable that lists each subforum id though. I don't understand why vbulletin didn't make it so each category had a feed of it's own.
Originally Posted by Celtic_Mad
How would I go about adding this to only one specific forum?
Change the X to the forum id you want it to display on, and of course put the rss icon code in place of "rss code"
<if condition="$forum[forumid] == 'X'">RSS code</if>